Welcome to Christine's Massage Therapy
Our practice is dedicated to improving YOUR wellbeing

About Christine's Massage Therapy
Christine's Massage Therapy is a massage therapy clinic located in Simcoe, Ontario, Canada.
The clinic provides advanced therapeutic and relaxation massage in a safe, comfortable, and relaxing environment.
About Us
We offer the highest quality of care to our clients. We are friendly and knowledgeable and care about all aspects of your treatment. We customize each treatment to meet your specific needs by incorporating a variety of assessment and treatment techniques that are best suited to you as an individual.
As part of our service, we will provide you with knowledge of self-administered pain management techniques such as stretching and strengthening exercises and the use of heat or cold therapy, which will help you get the most out of each treatment.
Our practice is dedicated to improving the general well-being of all our clients.
Massage Therapy can help:
- Reduce stress and alleviate pain
- Relax your muscles
- Improve circulation
- Improve mobility
Request an Appointment
Use our convenient online Appointment Book to schedule your session today!

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